Группа компаний «Кратос» начала свою деятельность в 1995 году с создания компании по поставке авиационного керосина и других нефтепродуктов. В Группу входят компании, специализирующиеся в области строительства и инвестирования в объекты аэропортовой инфраструктуры, авиационных перевозок, авиатопливообеспечения и наземной обработки грузов.
    Chairman of the Board of Directors
    Over 35 years experience in aviation in Russia. A private investor since 2004 with successful airport cargo warehouse projects in Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Moscow, etc.

    1996 — founded the Russian Fuel Company CJSC. The company was one of the five largest private aviation fuel suppliers in Russia with a supply volume of over 0.5 million tons per year.

    1999 — worked out a strategy for the development of its own aviation fuel sales network at airports for YUKOS Oil Company, created and headed the Directorate for Aviation Fuel Trade. Annual turnover over $ 0.5 billion.

    2006 — founded the KRATOS Group of Companies, specializing in the development of airport infrastructure and management of aviation projects.
    Over the past 15 years, under his leadership, the KRATOS Group has implemented a number of projects to create passenger terminals, refueling complexes and cargo operators at Russian airports.
    Managing Partner
    Over 12 years of operational experience in air cargo handling, including positions of General manager of a first-line cargo warehouse in Norilsk.

    2008 – 2012 and 2013 – 2016 – Project and Business development at Kratos Group.

    2012 – 2013 – Deputy CEO of Sheremetyevo Cargo Complex - company that together with Lufthansa Consulting has projected most modern cargo terminal at Russia and build a transfer terminal at Sheremetyevo airport for Airbridge Cargo Airlines.

    2016 – 2019 – CEO of Norilsk Cargo. Operator of a cargo terminal and ground handling operator at Norilsk airport.
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